The Times-News in Twin Falls, Idaho has an opening on its copy desk. We're an 18,000 circulation paper a little over an hour away from Boise.

But don't let our size fool you. Here at the Times-News, we plan our paper around bold, eye-catching designs. We're regular contributors to Newseum's top 10 page, and we even manage to get featured on this site with some frequency (thanks, Tim Frank!).

Management is hands off. Creativity is celebrated. The coffee is decent.

You'll be working with four exceptional designer/illustrators who believe in their mission to create a product exciting to look at and compelling to read. Our design is modern and bold, with a redesign spearheaded by Josh Awtry and Colin Smith that lets our best content pop.

You can check out our visual style here.

Here's our portfolios, too:

Robert Monteith

Randy Wrighthouse

Karen Yosten

Matthew Vann

Interested? Send me a message here, or email me at rmonteith -at-

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Join us! We are a fun crew to work with. We are ready and willing to train our next jedi.

good morning

I was wondering if there is vacancy for Infographist ... but now I do not live in the U.S.

You can see my portfolio here


Hi, i am madhava B. kulkarni from india, i am interested in ur job proposal, u can see my porfolio here

I wanna be a Jedi can I come back?

Only if Darth Karen allows it.

The force is strong in that one....


I am interested and willing to join your teamwork.

Please visit my portfolio page: Here

And my Blog

Thank you


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