Adam Baumgartner's Comments

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At 0:06 on October 8, 2013, Kim Maxwell Vu said…

Hey there, Adam.  Thanks for reaching out.  Definitely looking forward to meeting you on Friday.

At 2:35 on February 22, 2013, George Treviranus said…

Sure thing, Adam. Also thanks for your comments on my work. I'll check out your stuff soon when I have more time!

At 15:41 on January 24, 2013, Branden Barker said…

Hey, Adam. Was about to ask how things are going with school and the paper, but I just read your recent blog post. What are you looking at getting into this summer? 

At 17:03 on September 13, 2012, George Treviranus said…

Thanks! Yeah, the standing headers in arts were last minute, and that was mostly due to a lack of preparation on how to organize the section. I spent the majority of my free time branding and not necessarily thinking about subsections... by mistake. haha. Each page is whatever subject is listed in that standing head for arts. Music, movies, games, etc.

At 21:53 on September 9, 2012, George Treviranus said…

I'll be uploading pages from the next issue tomorrow, so you won't need to wait long. Also, The Clarion's issuu account is on my profile here if you wanted to see the last full issue (only a few pages are uploaded on NPD, sadly, as you probably saw).

That sounds awesome. Making templates and the style guide should be fun. Production is the best. You assign graphics assignments, then? That must be a great relief! 

It's awesome to hear you're expanding in design. Having skills in video and other applications for graphic design will help immensely. Something I've wanted to do but just don't have time for (small staff at the paper and out of the way of my degree).

That's very nice of you to make that offer. There's only a few contacts I have, though they are all Madison-centered. How can I refuse? :)

At 20:30 on September 9, 2012, George Treviranus said…

Thanks! Yeah I wanted to go for something different, and so far it seems well received.

Having copy editing at the same time as design sounds like a miracle. Never heard of such a thing. haha By "not so much about design," do you mean that it doesn't give you the design features as much? I can see why that would be a downer. Importing sounds like a nice solution to that problem, too.

 Good luck with your redesign of DN. Will you be part of the design team for it?

At 0:21 on September 8, 2012, George Treviranus said…

CCI? Never heard of it. haha What's it like compared to InDesign or Quark?

That's great you had a nice experience. But at least you have those portfolio pieces. I'm looking through them a bit again right now, liking what you turned up!

I plan on taking an internship next summer/spring at a local paper (not too many, Madison is small). Hopefully copy editing since design goes along with it.

Also on a side note, I redesigned my school paper this summer. I don't get much feedback apart from my adviser, since I'm a lone designer 95% of the time, but what do you think? Constructive criticism is welcome. :)

At 18:53 on September 7, 2012, George Treviranus said…

Thanks Adam! I look forward to your work as well. I see some samples from Indianapolis Star-- did you have an internship this summer? :)

At 1:08 on August 1, 2012, Branden Barker said…

Thanks, Adam!

At 15:29 on June 18, 2012, Colleen Kirsten said…

oh wow, haha, thank you!!

At 14:42 on June 13, 2012, Branden Barker said…

Nice. And likewise. Maybe you'll end up here some day!

At 0:36 on June 13, 2012, Branden Barker said…

Adam, congrats on the Indy gig! 

At 4:37 on May 2, 2012, Rodrigo Sánchez said…

Thank you, Adam. You are very kind!

At 1:04 on April 6, 2012, Josh Renaud said…
The PD definitely takes on interns, but departments sort of rotate th interns. So one semester maybe we take on a reporter intern, the next a design intern, etc. Give Carlos Ayulo a holler and he can tell you more about what might be possible.

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